[BC] Ordering Printer Ink Online

Sid Schweiger sid at wrko.com
Fri Jan 4 06:52:58 CST 2008

>>Stick with the HP cartridges.  Sure, they're expensive.  But other
void the warrantee.  Besides, they don't work.  There's a cartridge
refill store 
about a block from the station.  We experimented with having them
refill the 
HP toner cartridge for our laser printer.  The results were
unacceptable.  The 
refilled cartridge produced copies that were no better than an almost
cartridge.  They brought another, which still didn't produce good

They also refilled the HP color cartridge for my ancient inkjet.  The
produced were not found in nature.  I believed my printer might be at
and seriously considered replacing it.  Instead I spent a few bucks for
a new HP 
cartridge.  Copies from the late 90s vintage printer are again
comparable to 
anything now on the market.<<

I've had this same ongoing discussion with the people in my office who
are in charge of ordering supplies.  I'm not concerned so much with
warranties as with obtaining supplies that do the job, last as long as
is reasonably expected, and don't cause expensive repairs.  Refilled
laser-jet and ink-jet cartridges, at first glance, might save you some
money at the point of purchase...but down the road is another story.

The problem you run into when using refilled cartridges is the seals
that keep the toner or ink inside the cartridge until called for.  Those
seals are not designed for extended service life.  We've had a few
instances of refilled laser-jet toner cartridges leaking all their toner
out of the cartridge and filling up the inside of the printer.  We also
had a few refilled cartridges that just plain refused to work.  The
costs add up.  This is one case where getting brand-name cartridges from
the manufacturer really does make sense.

Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom New England
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Boston MA  02135-2040
Phone: 617-779-5369
Fax: 617-779-5379
E-Mail: sid at wrko.com

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