[BC] Comcast Blacklist

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Fri Jan 4 10:09:48 CST 2008

Yes, they are provable idiots. Furthermore all the idiots who answer 
their "help mail," use the same canned responses like; "Your email is 
not configured correctly, Contact an administrator..."

In every case I would attempt to explain that I was using THEIR 
web-mail. I have no control over that. I am simply accessing THEIR 
web-page using a web browser.

In every case, they assumed that I was an idiot with a local 
configuration problem.

Apparently independent thought is not allowed. so they will NEVER 
find the problems with their own mail servers! Idiots, all.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Sid Schweiger" <sid at wrko.com>
 > If you plug comcast.net into www.dnsreport.com, this is what you get
 > back in the Mail section:
 > =======================
 > WARNING: One or more of your mailservers is claiming to be a host other
 > than what it really is (the SMTP greeting should be a 3-digit code,
 > followed by a space or a dash, then the host name).
 > =======================
 > "Your E-mail might get blocked by anti-spam software."  Gee...who
 > woulda thunk it?

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