[BC] Comcast Blacklist

Steve Ordinetz hykker at wildblue.net
Fri Jan 4 11:06:14 CST 2008

RichardBJohnson wrote:
> Yes, they are provable idiots. Furthermore all the idiots who answer
> their "help mail," use the same canned responses like; "Your email is
> not configured correctly, Contact an administrator..."
> In every case I would attempt to explain that I was using THEIR
> web-mail. I have no control over that. I am simply accessing THEIR
> web-page using a web browser.
> In every case, they assumed that I was an idiot with a local
> configuration problem.
> Apparently independent thought is not allowed. so they will NEVER
> find the problems with their own mail servers! Idiots, all.

I ran into a similar problem about 6 months ago with posts to another list
bouncing.  I guess Wildblue uses the same clueless "support" staff Comcast
does.   They insisted the problem was the fact that I use Eudora (which
they "don't support") instead of Outlook for an email client.  The fact
that I had the same problem with their (abominable) webmail didn't seem to
matter/sink in.

Fortunately the owner of the list in question provided me with info on why
my posts bounced.  There was some sort of DNS conflict.  I cut & pasted
his info into the on-line chat support.  It took them several weeks, but
they did finally fix the problem.

I've done tech support myself, and you don't always deal with customers
who are very familiar with the product, but I always used to get a feel
early on what the caller's level of expertise was & adjusted my approach

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