[BC] TV Set/Converter

Scott Fybush scott at fybush.com
Fri Jan 4 13:33:48 CST 2008

Steve Ordinetz wrote:

>>  I'm somewhat heartened by the large number of coupon
>> applications that came in right away - it says that despite a
>> less-than-perfect marketing campaign, the word is getting out there.
> I can't speak for any other stations, but WCAX in Burlington, Vt. is
> promoting it quite heavily.

I have no doubt that the marketing campaign has been high-volume for the 
last week or so - I just have my doubts about how well-targeted it's 
been. I suspect a fair number of these coupons are going to people who 
don't actually need the boxes, and that a fair number of people who will 
actually need the boxes don't know about the coupons yet.

At least they're not promoting "TV stations between the stations"!


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