[BC] TV Set/Converter

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 13:52:43 CST 2008

(Image of Scott climbing a new 200 foot tower to put stacked 
log-periodics and a 50 dB pre-amp aimed at his nearest TV antenna farm, 
climbing down, and... STILL no digital picture!)

Tom S.

Steve Ordinetz wrote:
> "Scott Fybush" wrote:
>> Very. NTIA set some pretty stringent technical guidelines for the new
>> boxes, which pretty much mandate that they have to use the new
>> sixth-generation chips. I haven't tested them yet, but early word is
>> that they're significantly better performers than anything that's come
>> before (he said, looking over his shoulder at the fairly mediocre
>> Accurian DTV tuner in the rack...)
> Damning with faint praise?
> I can only hope so...I live in the boonies and what little tv reception I
> get is pretty fringe.

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