[BC] Comcast Blacklist and definitions

Dave Dunsmoor mrfixit at min.midco.net
Fri Jan 4 18:21:10 CST 2008

> I was having trouble getting through with my Comcast account and
> called them.  It's working now. Below is what their solution was.
> Ron D
> ...
> We confirmed the DUL block via a manual telnet test from the QMTA.
> Here is the SMTP telnet test results:

Not knowing what a "DUL" and "QMTA" might be, it's Google to the rescue
(sort of).

DUL : http://www.mail-abuse.com/enduserinfo_dul.html

Didn't find anything meaningful for "QMTA"

I run into something like this occasionally with my ISP being blacklisted
from BC.
Really annoying.

All (intentional) spammers should be shot on sight.

Dave Dunsmoor

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