[BC] Comcast Blacklist and definitions

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Sat Jan 5 08:30:58 CST 2008

On Friday 04 January 2008 07:21 pm, Dave Dunsmoor wrote:

>  > We confirmed the DUL block via a manual telnet test from the QMTA.
>  > Here is the SMTP telnet test results:
>  Not knowing what a "DUL" and "QMTA" might be, it's Google to the rescue
>  (sort of).
>  DUL : http://www.mail-abuse.com/enduserinfo_dul.html
>  Didn't find anything meaningful for "QMTA"

 In this context, DUL is a new one. Basic meaning is Dial-Up Users list.
 It's another bad idea for fighting spam, by presuming that most spam
 comes primarily from dial-ups. Generally not true.

 QMTA is someone's new acronym for some sort of Mail Transport Agent.
 I'm sure that somewhat like the V tacked onto the front of SWR to
 clarify something, it's meant to both clarify, but at the same time to make
 you think they know much more than you do, because you don't know
 the acronym.
 I don't know what the Q is for, while I do know considerably more than
 most about mail protocol.
 The telnet info is valid. Anyone can do that, if you speak SMTP.
 ( SMTP is the Simple Mail Transport Protocol, only very slightly newer than UUCP )
 (( Unix to Unix CoPy since sometime in the 70's ))


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