[BC] Short AM Tower

Ron Nott ron at nottltd.com
Fri Jan 4 16:12:06 CST 2008

VG, Neal,  From the recent discussions on the list you can see that a 
unipole can be used at virtually any height within limitations.  For 
maximum bandwidth, you would want an antenna about 160' tall (this is 
our optimized BW antenna).  However, your 90' tower is about 62 
degrees tall and would work very well with proper input matching.  It 
would have pretty slim BW, but you can fix that with components at 
the skirt input and if you stay on 1885 all the time you don't need 
to be concerned about BW.  The resistance would be below 50 ohms (but 
greater than a series antenna of the same height).  If you put an 
insulator under either the 65' or 90' tower, I can give you a design 
for matching that requires only 2 components and will provide 50 +j 
zero at the input.  This would allow you to easily QSY thru the band 
and possibly use the antennas on 80 M also.  Let me know.

Concerning the ham thing, I've only had my ticket for 48 years with 
the same call the whole time.  73

Ron Nott, DVP

----- Original Message ----- From: "neal Newman" <cozy659 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [BC] Short AM Tower

>Just courious Do you have dimensions for a Unipole
>  For 160 Meters 1.885khz.?
>I have a Rohn 25(65 feet) and a free standing tower(90
>feet) that I could use. Would be good for my
>5-BC transmitters on 160 Meteres
>Just asking...
>Or I will have to add the Base insulator ,and make the
>Rohn 25 into a series fed 160 vertical. at 130 feet.

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