[BC] Short AM Tower

neal Newman cozy659 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 4 14:58:42 CST 2008

  Hey Ron
  Happy New Year
I had no Idea you were a Ham. cool.
I maintain several stations that use your Unipole hardware.

Just courious Do you have dimensions for a Unipole
  For 160 Meters 1.885khz.?
I have a Rohn 25(65 feet) and a free standing tower(90
feet) that I could use. Would be good for my
5-BC transmitters on 160 Meteres
Just asking...
Or I will have to add the Base insulator ,and make the
Rohn 25 into a series fed 160 vertical. at 130 feet.

Neal Newman-ka2caf
East Coast Regional Engineer-MRBI

--- Ron Nott <ron at nottltd.com> wrote:

 > The folded unipoles at WNVR (Polnet) were
 > provided by Nott Ltd. and provided a real design
 > and fabrication challenge to us.  Glad to hear
 > they are still standing amd the array works
 > reasonably well.

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