[BC] AM audio quality

gRAdy Moates lists at loudandclean.com
Fri Jan 4 21:43:04 CST 2008

> My name is Bill Stairs.  I used to know Jack Williams and his son  
> Jeff.  Do you have any info on where I can find them?
> I am also seeking a manual on the Multimax.......any ideas?

    I have a Multimax manual.  I could PDF it for you.  


Grady Moates, Owner 
LOUD & Clean Broadcast Science 
   Voice        800 946-7007 
   Cell         617 610-7007 
   Facsimile    800 529-5648 
      web          <www.loudandclean.com> 
      email        grady at loudandclean.com 


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