[BC] question for you engineers

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 18:40:04 CST 2008

I think he means by anybody OTHER THAN Ma Bell; obviously, Bell used 
hybrids - there's one in every phone!

A savvy engineer could theoretically have tapped a phone to get at 
least caller audio on the air... (checks statute of limitations...) <VBG>

Tom S.

Gary Glaenzer wrote:
>"given that Ma Bell resisted the installation of any such
>devices well into the '60's"
>not to nit-pick here, but EVERY 'long-line' repeater and EVERY telephone
>from about the 40's onward contained a hybrid circuit
>----- Original Message ----- From: <tpt at literock93r.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2008 11:07 AM
>Subject: [BC] RE: question for you engineers
>While it would have certainly been possible to design a hybrid circuit
>in the 30's, given that Ma Bell resisted the installation of any such
>devices well into the '60's, I doubt that telephone calls were the
>source of listener questions.  More likely, audience members were
>invited to come hear the broadcast at the local station, and
>(pre-screened) participants were invited to step up to the mike on cue
>to present their question.  Which was then sent back down the line to
>NY where it was mixed with the local broadcast.

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