Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 18:51:28 CST 2008

RPUs have the same requirements - as well as the same options - for 
IDs.  IOW - "WDXQ Mobile 3 live at the scene of a 36 car pileup on 
the main drag, all caused by some driver from California who didn't 
signal his left turn.  Joe Newshound WDXQ, Mobile 3, clear!... 
SNNKXXxxxxxxxxx. (squelch tail)"  Many times.  perfectly legal, even 
if all you're doing is a feed, and not on the air.

Tom S.

stanleybadams wrote:
>Dan, I give up, you guys are right, but we still did not do it but 
>twice a day.  Period. And year after year.
>We did it at sign on and sign off, or if we were going to a RPU we 
>would announce Through the facilities of WXXX, W45BCXX Remote 
>Picture Up we bring you Stan the Man at Shively Motors, go ahead Stan.

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