[BC] Here's a laugh!

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Sat Jan 5 17:54:53 CST 2008

------ At 06:41 PM 1/4/2008, Dana  Puopolo wrote: -------

>The HD Alliance edged out Geico as 2007's biggest national radio advertiser!
>I hope that Geico got a better response from their ads then these clowns got
>from theirs!

Like most things related to IBUZ, this is deceptive. Geico and all 
the other advertisers on the list had to pay cold hard cash for those 
spots. The IBUZ spots are distressed inventory. You can bet your 
posterior no station refused a paying advertiser in morning drive to 
run the IBUZ spots. It's like an empty airline seat. Fill the space 
with something or it's going to be lost forever.

I wonder how many PSAs never ran.

I think you're being too hard on them. After all, that $630 million 
in funny money has sold 400,000 receivers. That leaves 799,600,000 
receivers to go. At this rate the sun will burn out before we get 
there, especially if you figure in the receivers that get returned as 
defective, though they're really just deaf. This is going to make the 
deficit look like pocket change.

Never let hope die.


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