[BC] Future of radio and it's engineers?

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Sat Jan 5 20:30:36 CST 2008

The no RF zone in rural West Virginia at/around the listening station is 
heavily policed for anything RF. They want it quiet there and  there is a 
team of engineers whose job entails exactly that. No RF emissions in the 
area. Even part 15.  Power pole arcing is identified and dealt with 
swiftly. This is a federally mandated effort. The locals there KNOW they 
are not use anything RF. Forget Part 95 or Part 97. Even a nuker unless 
it's in a special Faraday cage.

No NIMBY is going have any say in the matter...PERIOD.  He/she/they can sue 
all they want.  But if the feds REALLY want it, any judge will toss it if 
there are no constitutional statutes being violated in the process.


At 04:15 PM 1/5/2008 -0500, SteveOrdinetz wrote
>  Dave Dunsmoor wrote:
>>     So my question is this: could there possibly be a greater future in
>>"listening" than in "talking" for those of us who really like technology?
>>What would it take to generate the interest in extra-terrertrial research to
>>release the resources to build more of this type of facility? And no, I'm
>>not talking about SETI and the "Art Bell" crowd here.
>The big limiting factor here is the number of locations you could put one 
>of these listening stations.  Certainly any populated area is gonna be too 
>noisy electrically to be very useful, and that's not even taking into 
>account land costs (and NIMBY hassles) anywhere near civilization.

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