[BC] Future of engineers? 2 words - SOLAR POWER

Dave Dunsmoor mrfixit at min.midco.net
Sun Jan 6 00:19:43 CST 2008

> The answer is, of course.  Where?  Renewable energy.  I mean, if *I*
> could do it ....
> Solar power is so understaffed right now you wouldn't believe
> it.  The SEIA estimated that there are 400,000 jobs unfilled in the
> industry last year ...
> you'll get another day off and a 25% pay increase ... in renewable
> power engineering.
> Bill

Another good reply, I had NO idea. I see almost none of this up here (North
except for the occasional (VERY occasional) attempt on someone's roof, that
to have been built in the garage. Wind energy is picking up (we have plenty
of that up

Your comment about guys not even having the basics that every and any
engineer has is interesting also. 1-50KW RF skills should easily be
transposed to
this. Add the basic IT skills that we need and it would seem to be a

Dave Dunsmoor

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