[BC] Robust headphones]

JYRussell at academicplanet.com JYRussell at academicplanet.com
Sun Jan 6 10:18:45 CST 2008

I'm still using my Sony 7506's from somewhere in the mid 1980's.   Decent
workhorse headphones, you can crank them until your brain rattles...

The only pair I ever could afford that sounded better were also KOSS- the
ones with the open backs and aluminum framework.  I don't know if they even
make those any more...  They had heavy and had terrible feedback if you used
them on the air but they sounded great, and would drive off standard console
hph  outs... or... yes... you could hit them with a bit more amp....

(FWIW, I had an old but good sounding receiver I used for my on-air
headphone monitor.  After a few years of trying not to turn up the volume
during air shifts... I super glued the knob in place at a level that was
'not-quite-too-loud'... just loud enough to feel it on the sides of your
head... but not quite loud enough to cause instant pain... lol )


----- Original Message -----
From: "R A Meuser" <rameuser at ieee.org>
To: "Broadcast Radio Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [BC] Robust headphones]

> I had a pair of Koss Electrostatic phones and they really DO need a high
> powered amp. They work on a completely different principle. They are
> also pretty heavy. I prefer the Beyer DT 48. They are a reasonable
> weight, very flat response, easy to drive (48 ohms) and a good seal. I
> have purchased them for a number of DJs who would rave over the fact
> they it was virtually impossible to get feedback when they were turned
> up. Those guys are all probably deaf now :-)
> Chris Oradat wrote:
> >>>I have the Koss Electrostatic phones.
> >They are just as uncomfortable as the Pro 4AA, but they really do
> >sound very good.  They are a pain in the rear end to use, and to
> >drive.  The "special" cord has to plug into a box that has to be
> >driven by a fairly high power amplifier.  I use a Crown D-75 as a
> >headphone amp for those -- the speaker out, not the headphone out.
> >Even so, they are not DJ loud.
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