[BC] Robust headphones]

Dave Dunsmoor mrfixit at min.midco.net
Sun Jan 6 10:53:41 CST 2008

> (FWIW, I had an old but good sounding receiver I used for my on-air
> headphone monitor.  After a few years of trying not to turn up the volume
> during air shifts... I super glued the knob in place at a level that was
> 'not-quite-too-loud'... just loud enough to feel it on the sides of your
> head... but not quite loud enough to cause instant pain... lol )

I've never worked "on air", and have always been curious about the desire,
(need?) to have phones levels up so high. I've worked at some stations where
phones were not used at all, and the on-air presentation was great. The guy
sounded comfortable with himself and his audience. It was like we were
sitting in the den having a conversation over brandy and a cigar. This guy
was really good. New ownership, new staff.....rats.

Dave Dunsmoor

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