[BC] Robust headphones]

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 10:57:09 CST 2008

Ok, so maybe I'm not the best example... that being said, even when I'm on
the air, I've never cranked my headphones up as loud as some of you describe
that some others have.

I do like it a little loud... but I've ALWAYS worn headphones when I'm on
the air, even if it's for a quick 10 second legal id or 20 second break
going into a stopset.

Why? It kinda gets me  inthat mood.. that mindset that I'm on the air and I
feel "naked" without them.


On Jan 6, 2008 11:53 AM, Dave Dunsmoor <mrfixit at min.midco.net> wrote:

I've never worked "on air", and have always been curious about the desire,
(need?) to have phones levels up so high. I've worked at some stations where
phones were not used at all, and the on-air presentation was great. The guy
sounded comfortable with himself and his audience. It was like we were
sitting in the den having a conversation over brandy and a cigar. This guy
was really good. New ownership, new staff.....rats.

Dave Dunsmoor


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