[BC] CE vs. GM...

Kenneth Locke kenlocke at comcast.net
Sat Jan 5 15:32:05 CST 2008

All the stations I worked at, I either had a charge account for fuel 
and a account for parts for one site, and at the other two had a 
company charge card (all expenditures had to be well documented) and 
had a limit $1000.00 and a charge account at most of the major 
electronics vendors including Rad-Hak.... which the bosses preferred 
all purchases to made via the vendors (NON-CREDIT CARD) mode... If I 
didn't have at least the charge accounts I made life miserable for 
the GM and the AP people....NOTHING I HATE WORSE than driving 60 to 
100 miles (ONE WAY) to a satalator site and need a $20.00 part and 
all I have with me is a wadded up $10.00 bill and my personal c.c. 
that does not have room on it because I had to replace all 4 tires 
because I do not have a company vehicle and have driven 60-70 of 
these 60 to 100 mile (ONE WAY) per year not to mention trips for 
other things.... One cluster I had done some work for had 10-15 
satalators and 5 STL's... Lotsa Mileage!! And I had to put gas in out 
of my oun pocket and be re-imbursed....after that job, I either had 
the expense account or I didn't take the job...  MOST and I say MOST 
have expense accounts setup for CE but not for assistant Engineers.. I.M.H.O.


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