[BC] Headphones

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Tue Jan 8 10:07:51 CST 2008

Trimm earphones? Nah, that's too modern. Rich Wood
and I worked at a radio station that has Brandes
earphones with 6-32 nuts sticking out of the sides
for electrical connections. Of course, these went across
"modern" 600 ohm lines, but in radio's heyday, they
were in the plate circuit of an amplifier tube, so you
kept your fingers off those terminals!

One of my first improvements, after I got the
Western Electric transmitter tuned up after
years of neglect, was to build and install
an amplifier to drive "modern" earphones.
  I used a pair of 6AQ5's, and a 12AU7 as
the phase inverter and preamp. It generated
a continuous 10 watts of high-fidelity audio,
enough to blow those cans off your head!

Later, I built a studio monitor amplifier using
a pair of KT-88's in a Williamson circuit. That
fed a Jim Lansing D-208 speaker (mono AM
radio, didn't need two).

The studio was built into an old house. It
was arguably the best sounding studio
in the area --until the train went by.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "stanleybadams" <stanleybadams at yahoo.com>
 > There has also been a tread on here about headphones, and yes, I could never
 > afford those type, but we did use some old trusty Trimms, some with and
 > without the earcups.

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