[BC] Ford 2009 HD radio

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Tue Jan 8 14:26:45 CST 2008

My company is now preventing me fro even using GOOGLE at work.
However, just enter:

"Commercial Free" satellite radio

...with the quotes exactly as shown. See the number of lawsuits
because of XM's advertising of "Commercial free" programming.

These advertisements have been RECENTLY REVISED because
of the lawsuits.

Then be advised that I can read.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Sid Schweiger" <sid at wrko.com>
 > >>How many people got
 > "commercial-free" satellite radio, that you need to PAY
 > by the MONTH to receive, only to find out, LIARS-o-LIARS,
 > that it's absolutely filthy with commercials?<<
 > Please.  Not this again.
 > The only time I have seen either satellite service use the term
 > "commercial-free" was in conjunction with the term "music channels."
 > It's not the fault of either XM or Sirius if their customers can't
 > read.

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