[BC] IBUZ listeners at 30 Million by 2012 - Good Weed Available

Mark Earle mearle at mearle.com
Tue Jan 8 15:58:13 CST 2008

Rich Wood wrote:
> In "Music to Consumers' Ears: Next Generation Radio," PARKS ASSOCIATES 
> predicts that IBUZ radio adoption will increase from 4.2 million in 2008.

So this implies there are already 4.2 million listeners of IBOC?
> There must be a lot of  funny smoke and mirrors around. With an 
> estimated 400,000 IBUZ receivers sold (many to radio people) how can 

Where does the 400,000 number come from? Not doubting you, Rich, just 
wondered who's totaling up receiver sales.

Has anyone confirmed / denied, the per-receiver license fee to Ibiquity? 
Or would they license per chip ($xx per 1,000 or 10,000 or ?? chips)?


       ) )
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    `|____|   mearle at mearle.com

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