[BC] IBUZ listeners at 30 Million by 2012 - Good Weed Available

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Tue Jan 8 16:45:25 CST 2008

------ At 04:58 PM 1/8/2008, Mark Earle wrote: -------

>>There must be a lot of  funny smoke and mirrors around. With an 
>>estimated 400,000 IBUZ receivers sold (many to radio people) how can
>Where does the 400,000 number come from? Not doubting you, Rich, 
>just wondered who's totaling up receiver sales.
>Has anyone confirmed / denied, the per-receiver license fee to 
>Ibiquity? Or would they license per chip ($xx per 1,000 or 10,000 or ?? chips)?

The original estimate of 450.000 came from Bridge Ratings who then 
downgraded it to 400,000 before they went private. I believe the HD 
Dominion claims 500,000, which, if it follows the usual PR puff 
release credibility that means 12 were sold to non-radio people.

The receiver licensing fee is still a deep dark secret. When secrecy 
reigns it spawns speculation. However, no one has come forward to 
deny the estimated $40 per radio fee. Since this technology is 
steeped in greed it's not unreasonable to assume a very high fee.


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