[BC] IBUZ listeners at 30 Million by 2012 - Good Weed Available

Bruce Potterton bpotterton at ksgn.com
Tue Jan 8 16:48:28 CST 2008

Simple, you just use the new IBUZ math... the same math used to
calculate that the IBUZ signal can fit in band-on-channel without any
interference!   Duh!

Bruce Potterton 

-----Original Message-----
From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of Rich Wood
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 1:45 PM
To: Broadcasters' Mailing List
Subject: [BC] IBUZ listeners at 30 Million by 2012 - Good Weed Available

In "Music to Consumers' Ears: Next Generation Radio," PARKS ASSOCIATES
predicts that IBUZ radio adoption will increase from 4.2 million in

There must be a lot of  funny smoke and mirrors around. With an
estimated 400,000 IBUZ receivers sold (many to radio people) how can
there be 4.2 million listeners? There would have to be crowds the size
of Pakistani rioters around each radio to make that work.

It sounds like the IBUZ PR folks are working double overtime.



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