[BC] talent auto-on air

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Tue Jan 8 20:05:58 CST 2008

I just found out today that everything I have been writing on the 
Internet from work, has been recorded and archived. No --they are not 
picking on me, just EVERYBODY at the company I can't mention because 
they PAY for a service that scans the Internet, looking for new 
occurrences of that name!!! Now, if I try to use the most common 
search engine, Google, I get the same "access denied" message I'd get 
if I tried to access http://www.Playboy.com/ from work! I guess 'IT" 
thinks they are the same.

IT claims that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act REQUIRES that all 
publicly-owned companies do this to protect the stockholder's 
intellectual property! So, just wait. As soon as the corporate giants 
on the big boards get wind of this, everything will turn to s---! 
That's probably the word you used. _hit is another spelling.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Mark Earle <mearle at mearle.com>
 > My message was blocked because of a bad word. Wonder what I said?
 > Besides the Touch Tone controller, an auto-answer hybrid will be needed.
 > Those are about $150. Anyhow, I'll be in tonight looking for this noise
 > with Easton's assistance - we will need to make a few seconds of nothing
 > on air a few times.
 > I suspect it is weak signal between the studio and transmitter, but can
 > check out that gear as well. I cannot readily check the antennas though.
 > But what we learn tonight should give us some clues.
 > We'll be there early - 6:15-6:30 and the checks should take less than an
 > hour - the periods of silence will be brief. I need to pull out some
 > connectors in the rack and make measurements of the signals.

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