[BC] talent auto-on air

Tom Bosscher tom at bosscher.org
Wed Jan 9 10:06:31 CST 2008

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net wrote:
> I just found out today that everything I have been writing on the 
> Internet from work, has been recorded and archived. 

	What's the problem? Just about everyone I know, knows that 
the courts have ruled, a long time ago, that ALL DATA 
co0mmunications, like email and web surfing, are 100% under 
the control of the company. At my place, people are told 
that all email and web surfing can be monitored. Do we do 
it? I don't have the time, but ALL EMAIL going in and out of 
a company can be reviewed by them. Even if you browse to a 
email server website and download your "personal" email.

	I just don't get what you are upset about. If you don't 
like it, start your own company.

	tom bosscher

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