[BC] IT troubles

Sid Schweiger sid at wrko.com
Wed Jan 9 12:04:30 CST 2008

>>I just found out today that everything I have been writing on the
Internet from work, has been recorded and archived.<<

Get used to it.  The courts have, in multiple cases, backed up
companies whose attitude is that all data which traverses the company's
servers, networks and e-mail system belongs to the company.  As the case
law stands now, companies which don't at least have the capability to
monitor their employees' computing behavior are in far more trouble at
law-suit time than those which do.

We warn our new employees, in writing, that they have no expectation of
privacy in anything they place on our network, and that their files or
e-mails may be monitored without notice.

Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom New England
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Boston MA  02135-2040
Phone: 617-779-5369
Fax: 617-779-5379
E-Mail: sid at wrko.com

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