[BC] Websites

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Wed Jan 9 18:40:55 CST 2008

On Tuesday 08 January 2008 07:37 am, tpt at literock93r.com wrote:

>  1. Guys who do websites are not engineers, nor do they think like  
>  them. We think in straight lines, their thoughts start with French  
>  curves and get more convoluted from there.
>  2. The marketing guys get involved.  I realize managers like glossy  
>  brochures with pretty pictures.  Fine, keep those as linked PDF's
>  3. Give the rest of us a page that has the critical information:

 It's not just 'cause you're an engineer !
 I've TRIED to find things on, oh, ABC.com for instance.
 Good luck !
 Lots of flash and sizzle. So much so that *I* can't find anything.
 Newspapers are much the same, but it seems broadcasters
 are the worst.

 The BEST business web site, off hand and without thinking, is 
 So easy it's indescribable ! THAT's an on-line catalog !
 No flash player V32, no "Best viewed with Internet Explorer V.47.3
 SP87 Rev41" stuff.
 No "Only works with Microsoft Omnipotent" ( successor to Vista V138
 SP 873 )
 Just straight out information. Easy to navigate.


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