[BC] IBUZ listeners at 30 Million by 2012 - Good Weed Available

WFIFeng at aol.com WFIFeng at aol.com
Wed Jan 9 19:21:08 CST 2008

In a message dated 01/08/2008 4:59:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
mearle at mearle.com writes:

> Where does the 400,000 number come from? Not doubting you, Rich, just 
>  wondered who's totaling up receiver sales.

It came from someone's dream, perhaps? ;) The real question is, of those 400K 
receivers sold... how many were returned? 300K?

>  Has anyone confirmed / denied, the per-receiver license fee to Ibiquity? 
>  Or would they license per chip ($xx per 1,000 or 10,000 or ?? chips)?

We have been asking this very same question for well over a year, now. 
Nobody, anywhere, has YET been able to confirm or deny. There must be lawyers and 
threats preventing the disclosure of this information! How else could anyone 
explain a refusal to answer a legitimate question?


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