[BC] IT troubles

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Wed Jan 9 18:52:57 CST 2008

The problem is that most people who use
computers in their "day job" have replaced
the telephone with their computer. Just like
we don't expect our telephone conversations
to be monitored by other company employees,
we don't expect our private Email sent via Web-
Mail or POP-3 to our private computers, private
Web Servers, or private accounts on Yahoo, to be
monitored and recorded by company employees.

Furthermore, they do this in the most slimy way
possible where they control the name-servers
and block access to the real IP addresses so
if you want to connect to Yahoo, they give
you a phony IP address that points to their
monitoring system. Then, every keystroke goes
through that system, eventually to the "real"
Yahoo, being compressed and archived.

I discovered this subterfuge when trying to find
out how come Comcast had been blacklisted.

I couldn't execute telnet " 25" to
check out a specific Comcast IP address and
mail port (25) from work because they corrupted
the name-server so it takes names-only. Then
the name-resolution for Comcast.net pointed to
an internal address, not any real address shown
by web based mail verification programs.

This makes me angry because I have been
involved with networking since before there
was any such thing! "IT" has taken MY network
technology I helped create, and corrupted it
in an attempt to trap me if I do something they
might think is "wrong." Give me a break.
They are Net Nazis, pure and simple.

When I went to VAX/VMS system manager
school, an instructor asked; "What would you
do if, in monitoring an account, you discovered
that an employee was about to commit a crime?"

There were many responses from idiots who
claimed that they would contact the police,
supervisors, etc. I had the only correct
response.; "User's stuff is only data. We
should never know if a user is planning
a crime."

Nowadays, the hard-disk light on my W$
PC comes on three or four times a day as
the IT department checks, using the
"System Management" port, that I am
behaving properly. This is unconscionable.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Tom Bosscher <tom at bosscher.org>
 > 	What's the problem? Just about everyone I know, knows that
 > the courts have ruled, a long time ago, that ALL DATA
 > co0mmunications, like email and web surfing, are 100% under
 > the control of the company. At my place, people are told
 > that all email and web surfing can be monitored. Do we do
 > it? I don't have the time, but ALL EMAIL going in and out of
 > a company can be reviewed by them. Even if you browse to a
 > email server website and download your "personal" email.
 > 	I just don't get what you are upset about. If you don't
 > like it, start your own company.

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