[BC] IT troubles

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Thu Jan 10 07:54:27 CST 2008

On Wednesday 09 January 2008 09:02 pm, Mike McCarthy wrote:

>  OTOH, for executives who deal in strategic matters where "eyes only" 
>  security is important, this can be a rather severe security leak risk if 
>  the wrong people have access to or monitor the messages as they come and go.

 I was once asked to re-vamp a network at a network.
 ( no, not a pun )

 Found on the old "server" a doc file with a rather obvious name.
 It was a letter from the selling owner, to the buyer owner, with
 transactional details that, I'm sure, was an "eyes only" level
 I brought it to the attention of a buyer VP.
 The ensuing panic mode lasted an hour or three.

 That system was quickly changed from Windows to my security model.
 Since then, a "more experienced" and "highly trained" MS certified
 IT department who obviously know more than I, changed it back.
 I shudder to think......

 It's truly amazing the "eyes only" things available pretty much to
 the whole world on some systems.
 But, of course, I'm not MS certified, so what do I know ?


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