[BC] Re: "Hi, this is your radio calling..." (Rich Wood)

Bob Young youngbob53 at msn.com
Thu Jan 10 04:38:51 CST 2008

> I understand there's a huge line at the IBUZ booth at the CES that's
> drawing people away from all the other displays. It's the single most
> revolutionary technology on display.

No I think the mens room is right next to the iBlock booth, easy mistake to make considering how fast this revolutionary technology is selling.

> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2008 21:13:53 -0500
> From: Rich Wood 
> Subject: Re: [BC] "Hi, this is your radio calling..."
> To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" 
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> ------ At 08:42 PM 1/8/2008, Kevin Tekel wrote: -------
>>Of all the HD Radio promo ads so far, this one is by far the most
>>For me it's an instant preset-switcher every time it comes on. And
>>somewhere along the line, the IBOC Alliance forgot that if you're trying
>>to sell a product, it's best not to insult your potential buyer's
>>intelligence and existing product choices. After all, not everyone is
>>listening to a 20-year-old K-Mart table radio. Maybe someone just spent
>>$300+ on a Bose Wave Radio, and they don't like their purchase being put
>>down just because it doesn't have HD Radio.
> How dare you criticize the creative work of an advertising agency
> with many very large clients? That's why the HD Dominion picked them,
> according to the top dude.They know far better what you like than you
> do, so get with the program and march in lockstep with the
> cheerleaders and join the revolution. This is the salvation of radio
> and is far more important than the humans who create the content.
> They can be fired.
> $630 million to sell 400,000 radios is nothing to sneeze at. Guffaw,
> maybe, but not sneeze.
> I understand there's a huge line at the IBUZ booth at the CES that's
> drawing people away from all the other displays. It's the single most
> revolutionary technology on display.
> I'd better stop here before I end up writing the next IBUZ puff release.
> Rich

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