[BC] Re: "Hi, this is your radio calling..."

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Thu Jan 10 07:52:03 CST 2008

------ At 05:38 AM 1/10/2008, Bob Young wrote: -------

> > I understand there's a huge line at the IBUZ booth at the CES that's
> > drawing people away from all the other displays. It's the single most
> > revolutionary technology on display.
>No I think the mens room is right next to the iBlock booth, easy 
>mistake to make considering how fast this revolutionary technology is selling.

Hmm. I didn't look at the floor plan. I just listened to the recent 
IBUZ spots with the radio talking. They're awful. That makes the 
booth location very appropriate. I'm wondering how much worse this 
marketing campaign can get.


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