[BC] IT troubles

Sid Schweiger sid at wrko.com
Thu Jan 10 08:00:53 CST 2008

>>we don't expect our private Email sent via Web-
Mail or POP-3 to our private computers, private
Web Servers, or private accounts on Yahoo, to be
monitored and recorded by company employees.

Furthermore, they do this in the most slimy way
possible where they control the name-servers
and block access to the real IP addresses so
if you want to connect to Yahoo, they give
you a phony IP address that points to their
monitoring system. Then, every keystroke goes
through that system, eventually to the "real"
Yahoo, being compressed and archived.<<

You can scream "privacy" all you want, but if you do something over an Internet connection that's unlawful, while using facilities that I control, current case law says I share your guilt.  As with so many other things, the evolution has taken place because of abuse and lawsuits.  It's not pretty, but it's reality.

Personally I prefer not to infer or assume everyone's guilt, and not spend my time eavesdropping on everyone or running eavesdropping software whose logs I would have to read, and I've been told I'm naïve for having that attitude.  But, if directed by management in specific cases I will do so.  The courts have left companies no choice in the matter.

>>When I went to VAX/VMS system manager
school, an instructor asked; "What would you
do if, in monitoring an account, you discovered
that an employee was about to commit a crime?"

There were many responses from idiots who
claimed that they would contact the police,
supervisors, etc. I had the only correct
response.; "User's stuff is only data. We
should never know if a user is planning
a crime."<<

Today that answer would get you named in a lawsuit or a criminal complaint.  These days knowledge of an impending crime and failure to report it is not tolerated.

Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom New England
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Boston MA  02135-2040
Phone: 617-779-5369
Fax: 617-779-5379
E-Mail: sid at wrko.com

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