[BC] IT troubles

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Thu Jan 10 11:07:46 CST 2008


I worked for a company where the Director of Engineering read EVERY email sent
by EVERY engineer! No where was this policy ever stated. I RECEIVED an email
from a friend who formerly worked there. He was very critical of my station
management. For the sake of brevity, I replied, "yeah, you're right" or
something like that. A week later I was called into the GM's office. The email
was printed out on his desk and I was summarily fired.

So, don't tell ME that these invasive policies are harmless!


------ Original Message ------
Received: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 06:44:23 AM EST
From: Mike McCarthy <Towers at mre.com>
Subject: Re: [BC] IT troubles

You know....those who don't have anything thing to hide or worry about
revealing, have nothing to fear.  If you mind your business and don't go
playing around or discussing sensitive matters, then there isn't much to
worry about.

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