[BC] BARIX Instreamer/Exstreamer setup?

Jeff Johnson jeff at rfproof.com
Thu Jan 10 16:44:11 CST 2008

Greetings all,

I am setting up a Barix Instreamer/Exstreamer 100 pair for a full time link 
from the Cincinnati Zoo's manatee exhibit to a biology lab at Xavier 
University, Cincinnati. We will be monitoring a hydrophone in the manatee 
tank at the zoo with an iMedia Logger at the University. The purpose is to 
log the vocal activity of the manatees over 24 hour periods.

I understand many of us here on the list have setup Barix boxes. The stream 
will have to pass both the zoo and university's firewalls. What is the 
experience of those who have setup this sort of link in terms of 
protocols?? We, of course, have the cooperation of the respective IT 
departments for NAT/PAT settings, etc.

An occasional burp will not be a problem, unlike an STL.

Thanks all,

Jeff.Johnson at rfproof.com. CSRE

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