[BC] BARIX Instreamer/Exstreamer setup?

Scott Fybush scott at fybush.com
Thu Jan 10 16:56:11 CST 2008

Jeff Johnson wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I am setting up a Barix Instreamer/Exstreamer 100 pair for a full time 
> link from the Cincinnati Zoo's manatee exhibit to a biology lab at 
> Xavier University, Cincinnati. We will be monitoring a hydrophone in the 
> manatee tank at the zoo with an iMedia Logger at the University. The 
> purpose is to log the vocal activity of the manatees over 24 hour periods.
> I understand many of us here on the list have setup Barix boxes. The 
> stream will have to pass both the zoo and university's firewalls. What 
> is the experience of those who have setup this sort of link in terms of 
> protocols?? We, of course, have the cooperation of the respective IT 
> departments for NAT/PAT settings, etc.
> An occasional burp will not be a problem, unlike an STL.

Wouldn't one expect a manatee to burp occasionally?

And could we be looking at the next great HD2 format here?

"Find the station between the stations - all manatee vocals, all the 
time, 89.7 HD2..."


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