[BC] IT troubles

Bill Sepmeier dcpowerandlight at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 19:42:08 CST 2008

At 05:35 PM 1/10/2008, it was written:

>So, are you saying as an employee you have absolutely no protection from
>unreasonable searches and seizures... because the company is free to
>determine what is "reasonable"... by your agreeing to work there, or by
>federal law?

Absolutely correct.  Employees have NO constitutional rights on the 
job.  Hard to believe, but true.  Soldiers at least have the UCMJ ... 
workers have company policy.  Only specific labor laws apply in the 
workplace, and they generally protect the employer.  It's been like 
this for years, since corporations were granted "personhood" status 
under the law, I think.

Anything posted online, in a PC hard drive, or spoken on the job 
might as well be displayed on an electronic billboard operated by the 
police in the town marketplace.  I learned this about a decade ago, 
when the 'Net was new, I had the pleasure of sitting as a sworn 
witness in someone else's civil case, as I spent hours going through 
a book over 9" thick that contained EVERY email I'd EVER sent or 
received at my own company, being asked about various aspects of 
notes long forgotten.

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