[BC] BARIX Instreamer/Exstreamer setup?

mark at shander.com mark at shander.com
Fri Jan 11 00:48:20 CST 2008

I'd be interested in considering the job as PD for the network.  When 
the morning zoo ends the tigers take over with four hours of cat 
scratch fever before the seals take over afternoon dive time....

Scott Fybush <scott at fybush.com> wrote:
Jeff Johnson wrote:
 > I am setting up a Barix Instreamer/Exstreamer 100 pair for a full time
 > link from the Cincinnati Zoo's manatee exhibit to a biology lab at
 > Xavier University, Cincinnati.

And could we be looking at the next great HD2 format here?

"Find the station between the stations - all manatee vocals, all the
time, 89.7 HD2..."


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