[BC] BARIX Instreamer/Exstreamer setup?

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Fri Jan 11 00:46:32 CST 2008

It sounds to me like you will have control of your end (the Exstreamer) and
not theirs. The best way to proceed is to use the RTP
protocol in the Instreamer and 'push' the audio to the Exstreamer. You do this
by selecting the RTP protocol in the streaming tab's drop down box. Put the
Exstreamer's static IP address in the address area and 2020 for the port
Use the STOCK Exstreamer firmware. Set up the Exstreamer with the static IP
address you put in the Instreamer. Then set up the unit as a streaming
receiver (mode 4). Put 2020 in the RTP Receive Port field. Now you can use the
Instreamer at the zoo with a dynamic IP address (self configuring).

This method also works well if you plan to use the Barix units at remote
locations to send audio back to your studio.
The Instreamer can plug into any vanilla DHCP connection and will push its
audio back to your studio.  This way you can set the units up once and then
have the street team set up the Instreamer at a remota 'plug and play'!


------ Original Message ------
Received: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 05:50:50 PM EST
From: Jeff Johnson <jeff at rfproof.com>
Subject: [BC] BARIX Instreamer/Exstreamer setup?

I understand many of us here on the list have setup Barix boxes. The stream
will have to pass both the zoo and university's firewalls. What is the
experience of those who have setup this sort of link in terms of
protocols?? We, of course, have the cooperation of the respective IT
departments for NAT/PAT settings, etc.

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