[BC] More used stuff

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 20:22:57 CST 2008

I believe you've hit the motherlode!

Keep us posted; don't forget I'm still looking for  a couple of 
AudioArts IN-50 modules for the A-50 series board I have;

Automation-related decks also considered - ARS-1000s, Scully 270s, 
C-sized cart machines with or without a Time Announce controller - IIRC, 
either Sonomag or IGM had an all-in-one unit; two decks which were 
mounted in a tray, with the selector logic between them; boards - stereo 
preferred, but mono may do for a couple...

Tom S.

Glen Kippel wrote:
> I have just taken on the position of Deputy Under-Assistant to the Chief
> Engineer at R&R Broadcasting here in Palm Springs (KPSI AM-FM, KDES, KGAM,
> KPTR) and find that the shop is piled with old equipment up to the 10-foot
> ceiling.

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