[BC] More used stuff

Glen Kippel glen.kippel at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 00:49:03 CST 2008

On Jan 11, 2008 6:22 PM, Tom <Radiofreetom at gmail.com> wrote:

> I believe you've hit the motherlode!
> Keep us posted; don't forget I'm still looking for  a couple of
> AudioArts IN-50 modules for the A-50 series board I have;
> Automation-related decks also considered - ARS-1000s, Scully 270s,
> C-sized cart machines with or without a Time Announce controller


KWXY has 5 Otari ARS-1000s presently in service -- they probably will be
available in a few months.  I went through them last year and got them
working OK from a technical standpoint.  There are some broken push buttons
but those still work.  I also made up a test jig to feed the output of each
deck to an oscilloscope and an AC voltmeter or distortion analyzer to
simplify alignment.  If I had my `druthers, I would dub selected
instrumentals to HD through an Aphex or BBE processor, as these are simply
no longer available from any other source (KWXY bought the masters from IGM,
KalaMusic and other services years ago).  Vocals are readily available from
Scott and others.

But, I have been battling computer issues all week at both stations and
won't have a list of stuff at KPSI/KDES for awhile yet.  The GM is in favor
of me cleaning up the shop when I can get to it.  So, yes, I'll keep y'all

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