[BC] Re: Problems with Gmail

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 14:04:16 CST 2008

Yeah, Gmail can be confusing - which is why I generally use Thunderbird, 
and POP3 / SMTP to the accounts (I have several); once set up, I seldom 
go to the web interface other than maintenance or modification of 
something.  Once you're used to it, it's not too bad, though; it's just 
"different" enough that some folks have difficulty with it.  Biggest 
thing, and Google really pushed it during Beta, is the auto-threading, 
based on subject line.  THAT works almost TOO well!

Tom S.

Bob Young wrote:
> I tried Gmail for about a week and found it to be so confusing that I 
> deleted it, didn't have a lot of features I liked either such as 
> folders and being able to click on addresses from a contact list. I 
> like Google but don't like thier wierd e-mail system,
> Bob Young

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