[BC] Re: Problems with Gmail

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 14:07:44 CST 2008


The only real complaint Ive had with Gmail is that auto threading.

If there's a discussion going across 3 lists with the same subject line, it
come sin one bunch and if I don't look closely at the headers, I Don't know
where it's come from or where Im sending to.

Then you get mail posted to the IRCA list with their "stamp" on it in the
subject line going to the ABD list and screwing up peoples folders.....
(Powell... lol.. )


On Jan 12, 2008 3:04 PM, Tom <Radiofreetom at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, Gmail can be confusing - which is why I generally use Thunderbird,
> and POP3 / SMTP to the accounts (I have several); once set up, I seldom
> go to the web interface other than maintenance or modification of
> something.  Once you're used to it, it's not too bad, though; it's just
> "different" enough that some folks have difficulty with it.  Biggest
> thing, and Google really pushed it during Beta, is the auto-threading,
> based on subject line.  THAT works almost TOO well!
> Tom S.

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