[BC] Re: Problems with Gmail

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 14:37:07 CST 2008

Well, it's only in the web interface, so just access it via POP3 and you 
can set your own filters.  Actually, Gmail can filter based on several 
criteria; it's just not one click, though.  Like I said, it works almost 
TOO well!  There's a link on the left side of the page to the filter 
menu; that's also how you access POP3 enabling, and some other goodies, 
like auto-forwarding, etc.  Once you actually get into the menus, it's 
all either radio button or drop-down menus, though.  I have no 

Filter on the forum name should keep the threads apart, as long as 
you're sending to different folders... and with almost 3 GB.....

Tom S.

Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:
> Tom:
> The only real complaint Ive had with Gmail is that auto threading.

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