[BC] congress to investigate the FCC

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Sat Jan 12 21:32:21 CST 2008

Chairman Martin needs a very strong shot of reality.  No one is happy with 
him at the Portals except his own private staff.  And even that's a stretch 
at times from what I hear....

The investigation is for cause and it should be.  I'm historically a 
Republican and generally conservative with libertarian leanings.  Let the 
people do their jobs as professionals and leave them alone to perform those 
jobs professionally according to the law and inherited policy.

This is different. Of all the recent chairmans going back to before Hundt, 
no chairman has abused the power of that position as much as Martin 
has.  All of them were inept to some extent and/or had 
bad/incorrect/defective information fed to them by their staffs resulting 
in some very seriously flawed decisions.  But they didn't abuse the power 
which comes with position.  Martin has and has done so repeatedly since 
appointed.  One has to wonder what is agenda really is given his 
penchilance for secrecy.

It's one thing to be ignorant.  It's another to flaunt arrogance.


At 08:17 PM 1/12/2008 -0700, John Lyles wrote
>I almost dropped out of my chair when I read this. This House Subcommittee 
>on Oversight and Investigations, led by Dingelberry, Stupad and Barton 
>(Fink) is the same gang-o-three that dragged the Department of Energy 
>through their pig pen last February, including digging up a lot of hearsay 
>and media-fiction on Los Alamos National Laboratory, over security and 
>safety issues. Not to say that the lab wasn't due a scolding over certain 
>findings, but those characters were among the most inept and ran their 
>hearing in a most childish manner, including pulling in witnesses from the 
>Project on Government Oversight (POGO), and interupting testimony from 
>expert witnesses and scientists, sort of like television court. I watched 
>the proceedings online, and was embarassed that they represent the 'best' 
>of our government. I am not saying the FCC doesn't deserve some scrutiny, 
>just that the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations doesn't always 
>offer an independent and fair review of !
>  things.
>They have $$ in their pockets from various constitutuants, including some 
>friendly corporations.
>When I read that Dingell said he was "rapidly loosing confidence that the 
>commission has been conducting its affairs in an appropiate manner", I 
>though of how similar this line was from what he hammered out at the DOE 
>bosses last year. It sure would be wonderful to see some of these folks 
>independently investigated themselves to see who is stuffing dollars down 
>their pants. Oh well, at least they have glommed on to another agency.
> > Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 14:13:46 -0500
> > From: R A Meuser <rameuser at ieee.org>
> > Subject: [BC] congress to investigate the FCC
> > http://broadcastengineering.com/newsrooms/house_energy_investigate_fcc/

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