[BC] congress to investigate the FCC

Douglas Pritchett radiofool at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 16:02:23 CST 2008

Off with their heads!!

Douglas B. Pritchett
radiofool at gmail.com

On Jan 12, 2008 10:32 PM, Mike McCarthy <Towers at mre.com> wrote:
> Chairman Martin needs a very strong shot of reality.  No one is happy with
> him at the Portals except his own private staff.  And even that's a stretch
> at times from what I hear....
> The investigation is for cause and it should be.  I'm historically a
> Republican and generally conservative with libertarian leanings.  Let the
> people do their jobs as professionals and leave them alone to perform those
> jobs professionally according to the law and inherited policy.
> This is different. Of all the recent chairmans going back to before Hundt,
> no chairman has abused the power of that position as much as Martin
> has.  All of them were inept to some extent and/or had
> bad/incorrect/defective information fed to them by their staffs resulting
> in some very seriously flawed decisions.  But they didn't abuse the power
> which comes with position.  Martin has and has done so repeatedly since
> appointed.  One has to wonder what is agenda really is given his
> penchilance for secrecy.
> It's one thing to be ignorant.  It's another to flaunt arrogance.
> MM
> At 08:17 PM 1/12/2008 -0700, John Lyles wrote
> >I almost dropped out of my chair when I read this. This House Subcommittee
> >on Oversight and Investigations, led by Dingelberry, Stupad and Barton
> >(Fink) is the same gang-o-three that dragged the Department of Energy
> >through their pig pen last February, including digging up a lot of hearsay
> >and media-fiction on Los Alamos National Laboratory, over security and
> >safety issues. Not to say that the lab wasn't due a scolding over certain
> >findings, but those characters were among the most inept and ran their
> >hearing in a most childish manner, including pulling in witnesses from the
> >Project on Government Oversight (POGO), and interupting testimony from
> >expert witnesses and scientists, sort of like television court. I watched
> >the proceedings online, and was embarassed that they represent the 'best'
> >of our government. I am not saying the FCC doesn't deserve some scrutiny,
> >just that the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations doesn't always
> >offer an independent and fair review of !
> >  things.
> >They have $$ in their pockets from various constitutuants, including some
> >friendly corporations.
> >
> >When I read that Dingell said he was "rapidly loosing confidence that the
> >commission has been conducting its affairs in an appropiate manner", I
> >though of how similar this line was from what he hammered out at the DOE
> >bosses last year. It sure would be wonderful to see some of these folks
> >independently investigated themselves to see who is stuffing dollars down
> >their pants. Oh well, at least they have glommed on to another agency.
> >
> > > Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 14:13:46 -0500
> > > From: R A Meuser <rameuser at ieee.org>
> > > Subject: [BC] congress to investigate the FCC
> >
> > > http://broadcastengineering.com/newsrooms/house_energy_investigate_fcc/
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