[BC] uplink ERP - RF hazard?

Rik van Riel riel at surriel.com
Sat Jan 12 22:36:10 CST 2008

On Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:13:09 -0600
"Jerry Mathis" <thebeaver32 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I doubt seriously you'd even get the sunburn. We're talking **1** watt here.
> That's all there is. What you have to remember is that the so-called "gain"
> of the dish is simply its ability to FOCUS that 1 watt in a single
> direction. The gain figure comes from calculating what the power radiated
> from an isotropic (meaning a theoretical single point of radiation) antenna,
> would have to be to equal the signal strength in the strongest lobe from the
> dish antenna. Using your numbers, the dish can focus your 1 watt of power
> into a signal powerful enough, AT ITS  STRONGEST POINT, to equal a
> non-directional antenna putting out 20,000 watts.

Except it's a 0.6 meter dish, so the 1 watt is spread out over
several square feet.

It really only looks like a 20kW transmitter once you get so far
away from the dish that you can't make it out as a dish any more.

All rights reversed.

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