[BC] uplink ERP - RF hazard?

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Sun Jan 13 07:03:30 CST 2008

------ At 11:18 PM 1/12/2008, Jerry Mathis wrote: -------

>AFK for awhile--I have to go take my thyroid pills, put a new bandage on
>where my skin is rotting, re-attach my artificial earlobe, and pick up that
>special set of six-finger gloves I ordered.

I don't think that's from RF. As far as advertising agencies are 
concerned that's the natural progression of entering the 25+ 
demographic. If you had been born a few years later you would have 
been saved your troubles with all the preservatives in contemporary 
food. Today's statue makers simply spray the original with bronze.


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