[BC] uplink ERP - RF hazard?

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Sun Jan 13 06:49:38 CST 2008

------ At 10:51 PM 1/12/2008, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote: -------

>It's a good thing I dont ever plan on having kids...
>I've lived within just several hundred feet of...
>a 250 Watt Daytimer on 1520

With all these RF hazards around I've wondered how the last high 
powered transmitter engineers, most in their 60s, ever survived. The 
ones I know are still alive and kicking. They spent 8 hours a day, at 
least, bathed in RF. Two stations I've worked for were directional 
with an estimated 150Kw ERP.

I do remember reading about police officers with the older radar 
detectors becoming sterile or getting testicular cancer. It seems the 
easiest docking station for their machines was between their legs, 
pointed at the family jewels. They'd leave the units operating. I 
would have thought they'd smell smoke.


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